Ready to play some games? Start creating your campaign. Have you been playing for a while and are ready to up your game? We are here to help!
Blogs are posted for every step of your journey, whether you are just looking to get started or have been playing for a while.

The goal of those of us here at Table Talks Games is to help people go from "passive gaming," just enjoying a game, to becoming "active gamers" who can not only enjoy gaming but also learn from gaming and learn skills they can take out to the world.
We are still settling in, so keep checking back as we grow, change, and evolve.
Our current plans of focus are:
Dungeons & Dragons
Upcoming version
Table Top War-games
Warhammer 40k
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Let us know if there are specific Table Top games you want us to go over!
Either at or on our discord